It's most likely stored as a resource in belonging to that app. This is an interesting idea and if there is a way to extract files from I'd be interested in learning about it too.
This might sound crazy but I bet the APK files aren't compressed so you could potentially open the app (apk) in a hex editor, locate the JPG header (......JFIF) and then extract the image jpg manually. The size of the JPG is stored in the header (6 bytes in front of the JFIF tag I think) so you could also calculate how many bytes after the header you need to grab.
Even apk are compressed, just find a way to decompress it and go after your picture.
If none of this makes sense I might have time to take a whack at it if you send me the apk.
I wrote a VB program that does this back in the day. I might be able to reuse some code.