I'm new at java, so please excuse my terminology!
I also cant remember the exact code off the top of my head, so you will have to guess what I mean if its wrong
Basically I want to create multiple objects of the same class, but I also want to keep a reference/track to each one. What would suit me, and what seems to work is if I create an (object array?) array.. such as...
MyClass myObj[] = new MyClass[10]; << is that right?
And then I can create them like
myObj[0] = new MyClass();
Again I apologise for the code, its a steep learning curve for me as i'm more used to .net, and even then I dont implement classes and objects like java.
Is it an acceptable way to manage/use multiple objects in this manner? It's not considered bad practice?
For example, I might want to create a few objects, but keep referencing each one from another thread, so I would need to be able to call each one individually and it seems from what im trying to do, an array of objects would work best?
I'm new at java, so please excuse my terminology!
I also cant remember the exact code off the top of my head, so you will have to guess what I mean if its wrong
Basically I want to create multiple objects of the same class, but I also want to keep a reference/track to each one. What would suit me, and what seems to work is if I create an (object array?) array.. such as...
MyClass myObj[] = new MyClass[10]; << is that right?
And then I can create them like
myObj[0] = new MyClass();
Again I apologise for the code, its a steep learning curve for me as i'm more used to .net, and even then I dont implement classes and objects like java.
Is it an acceptable way to manage/use multiple objects in this manner? It's not considered bad practice?
For example, I might want to create a few objects, but keep referencing each one from another thread, so I would need to be able to call each one individually and it seems from what im trying to do, an array of objects would work best?