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Question regarding Gold Premier status


May 18, 2011
Cant believe you lasted on a Palm Pre for 2 years....

Dont get me wrong, I used to luv that lil phone, but I couldnt pass up getting the EVO last year(Gold Premier, annual upgrades).

Coming from me, I can honestly say, you will not be dissappointed whether its a 3D or an EVO. The only true thing you will miss is the cards lol.

Not to strand off topic but does anyone know how gold works? Im 7 years in. I know I need 10. When Im 9 in, Ill have my upgrade, but a year after that i'll be at 10. Will I need to wait a year since ive been at 10 or will i be eligible then? (i know this is down the line, just wondering if anyone knew). Also how does that work for other lines you add on once at 10. If I add on a family member after 10 and im the primary do they get one every year too?
Not to strand off topic but does anyone know how gold works? Im 7 years in. I know I need 10. When Im 9 in, Ill have my upgrade, but a year after that i'll be at 10. Will I need to wait a year since ive been at 10 or will i be eligible then? (i know this is down the line, just wondering if anyone knew). Also how does that work for other lines you add on once at 10. If I add on a family member after 10 and im the primary do they get one every year too?

You become gold premier if you spend a certain amount on your monthly bill. I am not sure but for individual plans at minimum you will have to be on the $89 plan and for family plans you will have to be on the $169 plan. Then after 3 consecutive months of paying your bill on time then you will be gold premier. When you hit 10 years, then it wont matter what you plan you are on, you will automatically be gold.
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Not to strand off topic but does anyone know how gold works? Im 7 years in. I know I need 10. When Im 9 in, Ill have my upgrade, but a year after that i'll be at 10. Will I need to wait a year since ive been at 10 or will i be eligible then? (i know this is down the line, just wondering if anyone knew). Also how does that work for other lines you add on once at 10. If I add on a family member after 10 and im the primary do they get one every year too?

On a family plan, Gold only gets you an upgrade on the primary line once a year -- other lines are still every two years, unfortunately.

(Presumably you should get your upgrade as soon as "is Gold" and "at least one year since last upgrade used" are both true, which for you would be 10 years. I won't claim to be 100% certain, though.)
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On a family plan, Gold only gets you an upgrade on the primary line once a year -- other lines are still every two years, unfortunately.

(Presumably you should get your upgrade as soon as "is Gold" and "at least one year since last upgrade used" are both true, which for you would be 10 years. I won't claim to be 100% certain, though.)

ok Thanks. So I assume once Im gold if I havent gotten an upgrade that year I can. That was my question. Like I'm getting upgraded now in 2011, and then I'll be at 9 years in 2013 and get an upgrade, so in 2014 when Im gold I should be good for another?
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