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Quick question about grandfathered plan

Just wondering if Virgin is still allowing people to keep their $25 plans when switching phones. My mom has my old OV and I'm giving her my MT. I know it was allowed before but I'm not sure if the policy has changed.

Hello redgjm. I've placed your query here in the Virgin Mobile provider/carrier forum for you. I'm sure you'll get a quick and accurate response more so than in the device forums. :)

Maybe a quick search of this site will help:

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Just wondering if Virgin is still allowing people to keep their $25 plans when switching phones. My mom has my old OV and I'm giving her my MT. I know it was allowed before but I'm not sure if the policy has changed.
When I switched from my OV to my Optimus Elite they tried to force me to pay $35 instead of $25, But I just kept only topping up with $25 & it's gone through every since!!!
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