Android Enthusiast
My local news this week points out a real problem still going on.
A local girl was taken from her bed by a man who did yard work for her family. He's been caught but won't tell police where she is. He actually was out with the searchers looking for her handing out fliers.
When the same thing happened to Elizabeth Smart it was national headlines from day 1 till the end.
Barely a blip about this girl here Gabbie Swainson.
Our local news said it made National media Coverage. Google Gabby still missing and see how many hits are there before its all about Gabby Douglas's hair. I guess the Huffingtn post is "National" coverage.
What's the difference? Race and if you think back over just the last decade of missing girls/babies you can see a pattern.
If Gabbie Swainson was white my town would be flooded wih National media.
Gt an other local example young woman in jail because she won't tell the police where here baby is. Her parents put out a missing persons report on mother and child. A monthe later she was in a wreck and when asked about the child wouldn't give the childs location.
Sound familiar? Have you even heard enough about this to Know her 1st name?
Guess what color she is.
Intentional or not this is plain disgusting.
A local girl was taken from her bed by a man who did yard work for her family. He's been caught but won't tell police where she is. He actually was out with the searchers looking for her handing out fliers.
When the same thing happened to Elizabeth Smart it was national headlines from day 1 till the end.
Barely a blip about this girl here Gabbie Swainson.
Our local news said it made National media Coverage. Google Gabby still missing and see how many hits are there before its all about Gabby Douglas's hair. I guess the Huffingtn post is "National" coverage.
What's the difference? Race and if you think back over just the last decade of missing girls/babies you can see a pattern.
If Gabbie Swainson was white my town would be flooded wih National media.
Gt an other local example young woman in jail because she won't tell the police where here baby is. Her parents put out a missing persons report on mother and child. A monthe later she was in a wreck and when asked about the child wouldn't give the childs location.
Sound familiar? Have you even heard enough about this to Know her 1st name?
Guess what color she is.
Intentional or not this is plain disgusting.