Yes, android is very efficient at memory allocation, but a key factor is when our hit a memory max and it kills apps... That when we get a lag or a freeze. More ram dedicated to user use might mitigate that.
TBH, I think most of what you're talking about there is the REALLY conservative OOM settings that come stock in the kernel. If you haven't tweaked them, you're going to experience things like that (speculated on later).
You could try this, if you want. These are the values I'm currently using and that I'm baking into the kernel I'm tweaking (they'll be in the next one)
adb shell cat sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree
This will show your current minfree values (the values that are set for various things. They're set in pages, so to get mb you have to do value*4/1024 = MB.
Currently, I'm using 2048,4096,8192,16384,24576,32768
This is the note I added to the source for them so I'll just c/p:
4096, // 16MB (VISIBLE_APP)
16384, // 64MB (HIDDEN_APP)
32768, // 128MB (EMPTY_APP)
Basically, once you hit the value set in free ram the lowmemorykiller sill start evaluating apps to clear ram. The defaults are about half what I have set here. REALLY aggressive settings are even higher. The problem you're talking about with the ram is probably more due to the fact that the lmk is waiting so long to free memory. If your memory is low enough to trigger the lmk's default values, your system is probably under a bit of load... meaning it's a horrible time to start doing cleanup.
If you want to try these values, save your old ones somewhere... like a text document or something and just do:
You'll need to actually adb shell in... executing these from a terminal via adb shell 'command' just kept giving me permission denied...
adb root
adb shell
cd /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/
chmod 755 minfree
echo 2048,4096,8192,16384,24576,32768 > minfree
chmod 644 minfree
and you should be using the new values.
Also, I should note that I've now started playing wtih zram and compression... just to see if I notice any improvement.