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Why are you worried, you do have regular known good backups - Don't you? if not backup your home directory now, and keep it offline. backup any new document/music etc. to a USB stick and remove it when dome. that way IF you get hit by ransomware (unlikely as it's usually targeted at business by a phishing/spear phishing or other social engineering attack) then all you need to do is reformat your HDD/SSD and reinstall the OS, ideally replacing Windows with Linux - there are no viruses on Linux.
So long as you're not illegally pirating software or attempting to view porn, I don't see any issue. If your computer gets messed up, that's on you.

I can use WinXP just fine without any viruses or hacks. Smarter browsing habits and a little common sense is far more effective than the strongest anti-virus and idiot proofing.

Even the MEMz trojan was meant to be a joke, not a real virus (you had to actually agree that it's gonna do what it's gonna do to run it!)
I'm running windows 11 without any problems so I guess I'm fine as is, using windows defender and malwarebytes premium.
I only pay my bills online and that's about it.
I have 2 external hard drives with movies and music that I stream using Emby media server.
Oh I run Windows 11 too on two systems (another runs Vista, and one runs XP) but I prefer the UI of Vista and XP over anything 'modern' but I credit Windows 11 for at least attempting to reboot skeuomorphic UI. Still about as half done as Windows 10 though. Stops at icons.

I longingly await the death of flat UI design.

I'd steer clear of MalwareBytes though. That Crapp has caused the PC at work to run like an i486. It chews through RAM, makes it freeze every 8 hours, and has somehow redirected Google searches to some foreign clone (results are quite hilarious though).

I'm convinced it's either malware or owned by Cheetah Mobile with how it affected the system. If it's not doing the above it's slowing the system down popping up endless things about updates. I hate it. I turned it off three times but stupid boss keeps re-enabling it. I never heard of it until I saw it in action, but I'd rather stick with tried and true Norton or McAfee.
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