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Help recent battery problems


Mar 22, 2011
so i normally get 2 days on my RAZR MAXX HD battery, or if i charge everynight i have 50-60% battery when i plug in....the last two days i have used my whole battery by 10pm and haven't changed my habits.
i am hoping to post this screenshot and you guys tell me what happened.

Same issue here man. Started happening about two weeks ago, and I don't know what the hell was causing it. Tried FDR's, minimal usage, average usage, battery stat programs, etc. Gave up eventually and phoned in to Verizon for a replacement. Probably not the help you were seeking, but I couldn't figure out what was causing it.
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hi guys, just a quick question.. does your battery get hot? mine does sometimes.. is it normal?
(I'm sorry flanntastic for using your post for my question...)

I don't have the maxx, it is just the HD and right now I can get around 26-28 hrs. my usage is not very high, some searches on the web, facebook, twitter and youtube sometimes... I always have the wifi on, gps always off and display is on autobrightness

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How's your setting on Google Now/map, search? I turned off all location report/sharing/history there to prevent excessive drain from location search/tracking.

If that's not it, maybe the battery itself might have degraded already. That's the catch with sealed battery design like this phone. But I think Moto provides battery replacement service under warranty.
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how do i find that setting? i have everything in the gps section off.
its weird that the battery did this in one day, a guy at work thinks its because the wireless router got moved to outside the office. His Iphone 5 has been losing battery quick

If your phone spends a lot of time with WiFi, I think that could be it. See how it goes if you turn off WiFi.

As for the location settings, I am talking about the setting inside the google map, not the normal location setting like GPS, Google location service. You can get there in couple of ways. One is to go into your google account in the main android setting, and there you will see "Maps&Latitude". It's also accessible from within google map setting. You may uncheck whatever is unnecessary for you there.
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