I use Lightning.
(Actually, a heavilly modified version of a version, but the browser is the same.)
It basically is a wrapper app for Android System Webview, which is the built in app that allows apps to show web content.
Lightning is small, unlike Firefox, Brave, and other popular browsers because they have and use their own webviews.
This makes Lightning faster than the others.
Other great things are unlimited tabs and bookmarks.
This browser is so good, in fact, that there are multiple different versions floating around with different features.
These are legitimate, because Lightning is Free Open Source Software (FOSS).
The homepage can be any site you like.
Security is set by the user, and there are many combinations.
Many times websites cannot figure out what I am using, and say Chrome or whatever.
This is due to the use of Android System Webview, which is commonly used.
You are better off using something like this, because of browser fingerprinting- where an odd-ball browser sticks out and can be used to identify the user because not many people use it.
I actually use multiple versions of Lightning on each of my devices, as the homepage is customizeable I have one set up just for Android Forums.
This basically makes it into an app for this site.
Here are links to the original and some other versions of it.
I have used Lightning for years, so feel free to ask questions.
Personally, I would start with Lightning.
It is the base of the others.
The last one I would try is 1DM, as it is rather advanced.
The paid version has no ads.
I included the free version here so that you could play with it, and see what you think.
If you like to download, this is definitely something to look into.
The settings for 1DM are much more in depth and require some time to get just right.
However, the browser is the same.
Virtually anything can be downloaded with 1DM.
Also, the bookmarks you set can be shared among all of these apps.
Webpages as well.
Sometimes it is nice to have multiple similar browsers all doing diffferent things at once.
One more thing, these are all very small apps, and even the most memory strapped device can handle all of them existing on one device.