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Help Remove Verizon Wallpaper option?


Android Enthusiast
Jul 25, 2010
Issaquah, WA
When you want to change your wallpaper, one of the choices is the Verizon Wallpaper option. This is the option that delivers up the wallpaper that has a lot of "red" themed backgrounds, and it's the option that I'm sure most of us never choose.

So my question, has anyone found a way to remove this option from the wallpaper choices? If I never use it, I would prefer to not accidently choose it like I seem to do a lot. I would prefer not to have to root, but I would consider doing so to remove this option.

Thanks for reading... :)
I do, but it's a mental thing. I select wallpaper on the desktop and then my brain is drawn to wallpaper and I select it again. At that point I roll my eyes and realize my mistake and I have to start over. I think that if the wallpaper option wasn't there, I would start focusing more on the gallery option.

There are many other reasons why I would like to remove this option, but the bottom line is that I was wondering if it was possible and if anyone had done it. If not, then c'est la vie and I'll move on to other things I need to worry about... ;)
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