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Replacement phone

Sorry wasn't paying attention, Virgin's, computer system most likely won't allow them to upgrade or downgrade your handset. But in my case I guess I just got lucky. It also might depend on what level of customer support you are on, like for instance if you are at the higher levels they might be able to pull some strings and allow you to downgrade or upgrade your handset.
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My experience was that at one time around my second Triumph, they offered the Optimus Slider. I refused as the Triumph was the flagship, top dog at the time. Ha. Anyway, I ended up with the fifth Triumph being a class A in retail box which I sold immediately on Amazon and got $200 and bought the HTC One V.

Pretty much the same thing here except that I went through 6 class a replacement Triumphs. The last time I checked, and this was with US based Executive Escalations responding the computer system will not allow any exchanges except for the same phone.
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