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Help Replacing battery solve phone going dead??


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2010
OK so randomly every week my phone goes off and wont come on again, or random restarts. No led light comes on and it doesnt charge.

So every now and again to make the phone come back alive, i have to connect my phone to SE software to reboot the phone and start all over again.

Do u think buying a new battery for the phone will solve the problem?
Are you running it until the battery goes completely dead?

If so, it's probably not the best thing to do, at least not very often. These devices have Lithium-Ion batteries which are fine being "topped" or charged often, no matter how much charge is present.

If you're not doing that, and it's going dead despite being charged regularly, then perhaps you do have a defective battery in need of replacement.
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