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Revue versus XBMC


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2010
New York
I am thinking about getting a Logitech Revue. But I am wondering what, if any advantage it will have over my current setup which is a laptop running XBMC tucked behind my wall mount LCD panel. I already use the XBMC remote app on my phone so the Logitech control app is not that much of an advantage.

The only advantages I can think of are that the Revue could use it's IR Blasters to power up the TV, and that it would have more seamless access to streaming online content. Any input would be appreciated.
I just got my Revue in to replace my aging Boxee setup. It's no replacement for Boxee and I'm going to venture a guess and say it's no replacement for XMBC, either. The problem is that content you already own/downloaded is an afterthought. Everything is web and streaming focused (which there aren't a lot of apps for that in the first place) and local content is limited to DLNA sharing through a pretty sub par Media Player app.

The Logitech Media Player app basically shows you either all of your videos or the folder structure of your videos and barely does anything with metadata. The only DLNA server software that I used that passed ANYTHING to the Revue was Twonky, which is free, and it only passed the image for the Season. Supported media seems to be a mixed bag. Some of my content plays fine (including some of the HD MKV's I've tried) whereas some of my regular old AVI's fail. It's pretty inexplicable.

The other limitation of DLNA content (which is extremely annoying) is that your own content does not show up in search results. Sure, I can set up my DVR to record content in the future, but my Media Center which already has the content on it is no where to be found. Ugh.

Honeycomb needs to get here ASAP and a true media player like Plex, XBMC, or Boxee needs to step up to the plate.
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I'm running Honeycomb now and while the Logitech Media Player is improved and plays more formats, organization-wise you're stuck pretty much with whatever folder structure you have your files saved in right now. Some smart organization by show and season is really necessary, along with integrating the data with the TV&Movies results. Right now if you go to a show in TV&Movies and you already have an episode downloaded, it will not show up as available.
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I'm running Honeycomb now and while the Logitech Media Player is improved and plays more formats, organization-wise you're stuck pretty much with whatever folder structure you have your files saved in right now. Some smart organization by show and season is really necessary, along with integrating the data with the TV&Movies results. Right now if you go to a show in TV&Movies and you already have an episode downloaded, it will not show up as available.
so basically all of your downloaded content is in its own directory, and if you do a search for something it will just give you streaming results and not show any of your downloaded content?
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If you do a search within the Logitech Media Player app, it shows your content and nothing else. If you do the search from the home screen or in TV & Movies it will show you what's available to stream and what you can watch through your cable, but not smart enough to list the episodes from the Media Player along with the streaming and live shows.
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If you do a search within the Logitech Media Player app, it shows your content and nothing else. If you do the search from the home screen or in TV & Movies it will show you what's available to stream and what you can watch through your cable, but not smart enough to list the episodes from the Media Player along with the streaming and live shows.
lol, that seems pretty dumb

so can you watch your live cable strait through it? say could i just hook my cable box up to it and not to my tv and still be able to go through the guide and watch whatever is playing on that channel live?
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Logitech Revue sucks. I'm glad I got it for Christmas of 2010. Paid full price of $250 for pretty much a brick. The one thing I was able to salvage was the K700 keyboard, which, with a Logitech Unifying USB Receiver, I was able to get running with my XBMC setup nicely. So I basically got a keyboard for $250. Revue sucks, as does Google TV. Google I/O 2010 was all stoked about its capabilities and they fell flat on their face with no content providers, etc, etc...
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Thanks For Your Opinions.
But....did you get it for Christmas or pay $250 for it...Can't Tell....

Love mine - Does all I had hoped and more. Use able Remote ALL the time.

Returned a perfectly good working Blu-Ray player and with a Best Buy gift certificate got my Revue. I feel like I may as well have paid for it, because I could have gotten anything else, and I wish I had. It pretty much does everything Logitech will allow you to do with it. I was disappointed in the lack of Google Market on the device, and was anticipating a unified Google Market according to Google I/O raves about it. Now that it's running HoneyComb, the Market is there, but you can't run everything I'm used to with my phone. In fact, I have the beta HC on it, and they still have not provided a way to downgrade to stock so I can get the official HC update. I'm going to definitely pull an "Office Space" on this thing and YouTube it, it deserves it, and is soon going to be abandoned by Logitech.
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