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Robo Defense: In-depth review with pics/video and strategy

This review will come in two parts. The first part will be a overview for casual gamers, some screenshots and a video of the game. The second part will be a in depth review of the game, some strategy, my ratings of the game, and some of my opinions on the game. OK here we go:

Robo Defense is tower defense/strategy game. It is one the highest selling games on the android market and there's a reason for that: This game is ADDICTING.

The object of the game is pretty simple, you have keep the enemy from getting to your base. You do that by building a variety of towers which can be upgraded. By defeating enemies you earn money, which can be used to buy/upgrade towers.

You choose a tower by clicking and dragging it where you want it to be placed on the map. Enemies come in waves. There are 100 waves of enemies per difficulty/map. The game ends when you either defeat all the enemies or lose all your lives.

This a great game for all ages and all levels of gamers. This game is good for whenever you have a few minutes(waiting while your GF is shopping, when you're in class,etc.) featuring an auto-save or for long sessions(when on you're on a lone car/airplane/bus ride, when your kids are are being noisy and won't let you work just give it to them- it works like magic:) So what are you waiting for, go and get this game already, you wont regret it. And a WARNING for parents: you might not get your phone back!

Ok, now this is for the hardcore gamers, which I know a lot you phandroids are.
This may look like a simple tower/base defense game on the outside but, it is actually a really complex game. There are three starting types of towers: gun turret, rocket launcher, slow. Each of these can be upgraded by using money you earn from defeating enemies which gives the more damage/speed/duration. Or you can change each of the starting towers to give them different attributes and abilities. For example the gun turret can be changed to a flame tower, the rocket launcher to a surface to air missile, slow towers to teleport tower. There other changes to the towers but even this is an in-depth review/strategy, I don't want give everything away so the game can surprise you if you haven't played it yet. Well how about the enemies, I'm glad you asked :) There are a lot different enemies. For example regular infantry, slow ones, fast ones, heavily armored ones, flying slow/fast/armored ones, and there even is a secret enemy. What's the secret enemy you ask and where do you find it, well I'm not going to tell you and you call yourself a hardcore gamer. After you beat levels, you earn points. You use those earned points to purchase enhancements like, more lives, more starting money, faster/stronger towers. There are four different maps: the basic level, the ruins, the factory, the courtyard. Each map is different by having a different amount of exit points for the enemy and entrances to your base. There is also a virtual room map where you choose a random code for 40,000 combination's of entrances/exits. Each map has an unlimited amount of difficulty levels(as far as I know, I got to lvl460). Every time you beat a level ending in 0 (10,20,30etc.) you unlock the next 10 levels. This is a great game. I absolutely love it and I was completely addicted to it(like most of the owners of this game from what I've heard:).
STRATEGY: Like I promised in the beginning here's some but I won't give you too much: Don't use only one type of tower, try to use them evenly. Watch out for fast enemies and flying ones. Try to make the enemies path to your base the longest possible.

GAMEPLAY 10/10 This is where the game really shines.
GRAPHICS 8.5/10 The graphics are pretty good for a phone
CONTROLS 9.25/10 the controls are very easy to use
SOUND 7/10 you have some basic sound effects but that's about it
REPLAY VALUE 9.75/10 This is one of the games high points, a lot of achievements, upgrades/unlimited difficulty lvls.
OVERALL 9.25/10 note not an average. OK These are my opinions on the game: The reason I didn't give this game a prefect score when I highly praised it is because I feel that this game has so much unrealized potential. I think if the developer added some story elements, even more towers, improved the graphics, and some really tough bosses, he could have one the best games for not just a phone but even a handheld gaming device.
If your still with me, thanks for coming on the loooong ride. I will be posting other reviews whenever I have time. If you Have any questions/suggestions/or just feel like discussing games/apps you can reach me @ titennis@gmail.com
DROIDDOESREVEIWS I know thats spelled wrong. lol, don't know how to change it
Great review! I also have pretty much the same opinions on the game. I really hope they make a robo defense 2 with some improvements. Lol, on a side note, do you know the video has asian letters? Anyway, great review and I hope you win the contest, so you can continue writing good reviews.
Thanks wiggy. lol, I know that the video has Asian letters but I didnt want to steal anyones video and I didnt think the posters of that vid would mind. I hope I win too, because I put like 3.5 hours of work into that review. I want to post only quality reviews so whenever I have enough time, I'll post a review. I love android so I want to help everyone through good reviews.
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