CleanROM was designed to be a cleaned up Sprint Stock ROM with some features and enhancements! This is not a heavily themed ROM! All HTC and Google Apps are uptdate as of 10/04/2011.
ROM is de-odexed and based on official Sprint RUU 2.08.651.2.
You MUST read posts #2 before flashing!
- OS: Gingerbread 2.3.4 Deodexed
- Kernel: mwalt2's with capacitive light dimming and always on notification LED.
- Beats Audo: Included!
- ROM Updater: Add Battery, Themes, Fonts and More!
- Apps: ES File Explorer, DSP Manager.
- Tethering: WiFi Tether 3.0-B4 for 3G and 4G Wireless Tether.
- Keyboard: HTC, Swype, Gingerbread.
- Tweaked: Performance, Battery, Camera, MMS, Browser, more!
- Added: Full Beats Audio, TV Out, HTC Calibration,
- Updated: 2 Meg Front Cam is back! Google Maps 5.10.1, Adobe Flash, ES File Explorer, Market 3.1.5
- Fixed: Photo Frame Widget
- Removed: Sprint Hotspot Hack to allow Beats Audio. WiFi Tether does the same job.
Download via Talkatap app here
Donations always accepted but never expected!
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