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[ROM] [Team Acheron] [GB27] Touched By S4 V2.2 updated 8/18/13 by Team Acheron


Android Expert
Aug 4, 2012
Portland OR
Ok guys Touched by S4 has a update, it looks really cool, might have to give this one a try lol.

Thanks Team Acheron for bringing us such a great build.....:D

[ROM] [Team Acheron] [GB27] Touched By S4 V2.2 updated 8/18/13 - xda-developers

Team Acheron's Touched By S4 version 2.2 GB27 Jelly Bean Deodexed for the Epic 4G Touch SPH-D710

Since GB27 is the OTA.
and We have the S4 system dump. Touched by An S4(more like overtaken)...With S3 & Note 2 flavors
And now Agat63's Kernel/recovery.
Ok I'll say this to all, If there are certain part of the ROM which you don't like, remove them. I try to put a mixture of everything. I can't make everyone happy. You, the person who flashes the ROM, has control of what you keep and what you get rid of. It's not directed at anyone, just a general statement. With that said, I do take suggestions and input....constructive input and I will always listen.

Happy flashing to all!

New Video Review

First things first.....credit and Thanks

Team Acheron........for all the help and support (formally Team ScarLick)

Kobridge............For the Deodexed GB27 base & 4.3SF build.prop

Garwynn and Agat63........New kernel/recovery safe for flashing and running a DD

Shadow_god......For all his help finding an pointing me to the Awesome apps. SGN2 gallery and S4 weather widget and SS from the S4 and for S-Voice port

Rwilco12...........S4 system dump and wallpaper

Bilgerryan.........S4 themed stock calculator / S Memo / Google Bootanimation / 4.3 working Cam / SamsungApp & Super mod thread

Erikalin.............Her app to replace stock apps / countless tuts and video reviews Thank her here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2297801

Alen1901..........Flare lockscreen mod. Thank him here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2279960

Arsaw...............Ripple live wallpaper from the Note 2 Thank him here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...&highlight=mod

Goddly..............ComaDose v1.2/v1.3/v1.4 tweak packages

gharrington........3Minit framework (Very awesome app ) found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2090308

Tdunham...........Awesome GB27 All-in-one-mod rev3 and porting the 3Mint app over to the E4GT for us. And S-Voice port. Here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2149900

Crawrj..............hotspot hack 3G and 4G Thank him here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=1879140

Zhuhang............Viper FX audio/sounds booster thank him here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2191223

Phakker............Awesome scripts to use: screenstate and for teaching about how scripts work

Exit_only..........Amazing tweaks and scripts

Huge thanks to the TESTERS........JDSINGLE76, GRADFORD11, FREESUNSHINE and MTB300GT

Anyone else I forgot to mention..........Please PM me for credit.

Touched By S4 V2.1 includes the following

Debloated : All sprint stuff is gone and removed a few unneeded system apps.
Agat63's version 1.3 kernel/recovery
"Themed S4" launcher
S-voice mod (thanks TD and S_G)
Google 4.3 S4 boot animation (Bilgerryan)
Working 4.3 cam (Bilgerryan)
Flare lock screen mod with S4 clock (Thanks to timin for the find and alen1901 for the port)
SecWallpaperchooser.apk with S4 walls
S4 WiFi icon....thanks Goddly
updated to AIO V3.5 with TD's security patch added as well
S4 system sounds......Ringtones, Notifications, Alarms and UI sounds and real S4 lock & unlock sounds
S4 launcher icons
Samsung app
updated Samsung link (formally Allshare)
S Memo
S health
S translator (works with S-Voice)
Erikalin Stock app (add back the app that I removed)
Moved to Data/App: Google Voice, Titanium backup, ES File explorer and MX Video player
Bravia engine
init.d tweaks : cron, wifi wait sleep & test-screenstate
Kobridge's 4.3SF build.prop
Ad blocking host file
Viper FX audio booster
S4 themed calculator
S4 themed contacts and phone
Ripple live wallpaper
Phasebeam and Sunbeam LWP
Live wallpaper support & yahoo widgets added

If you are new to JB please read this as it should clear up most of the questions you may have.

Garwynn Source kernel located here: http://www.sxtpdevelopers.com/showthread.php?t=187
Agat63 source kernel here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2244781

Check your MD5 Sum : http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...&postcount=278

New Flashing instructions
Please follow the directions or you will bootloop and have to odin to recover.

Clean Flash Only
If you dirty flash and have issues, do a full wipe first before reporting issues.

Download TBSGS4 ROM check MD5sum

Look for them here : http://www.rwilco12.com/downloads.ph...0%29/Modems/JB

Flash EL26+CWM kernel/recovery or EL29 Direct boot kernel. links are located in the 4th post
then boot into recovery

Once in recovery run 2x wipe all script by TD here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=2077277
This way you can fully wipe everything to include the /Preload folder as well


Reboot....you will have to wait almost 4 to 5 mins for it to boot. (be patient)

Set everything up

TBSGS4 V2.1 Download link

MD5 SUM : f47faf81605bbdcda21d49d8f816f4c4

Mirror : (Uploading)
MD5 SUM : f47faf81605bbdcda21d49d8f816f4c4
*Screen shots Updated*
Attached Thumbnails

excellent rom, it fixes my 4g issues and freezing...though im coming from stock, rooted.

Oh ONE question..

Since i had STOCK rom, garwynn kernel, agat recovery, i was on GC01, which is boost, and gb27 is sprint, i know...

my questions is, after the flashing of your rom, i notice, my software version still reads GC01 as well as my baseband version, but kernel shows gb27 and build as well...

everything is working like a charm..no hiccups or anything...
wifi tethering works perfect too

WILL there be a issue later down the road?
or just dont worry about it..like "it aint broke, dont fix it" type deal...

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excellent rom, it fixes my 4g issues and freezing...though im coming from stock, rooted.

Oh ONE question..

Since i had STOCK rom, garwynn kernel, agat recovery, i was on GC01, which is boost, and gb27 is sprint, i know...

my questions is, after the flashing of your rom, i notice, my software version still reads GC01 as well as my baseband version, but kernel shows gb27 and build as well...

everything is working like a charm..no hiccups or anything...
wifi tethering works perfect too

WILL there be a issue later down the road?
or just dont worry about it..like "it aint broke, dont fix it" type deal...


The baseband is your modem, ROM flashes don't touch it
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actually they do...ive had a couple flash the modem as well...
but i know it didnt touch it, but just seeing if there would be an issue later on...

yes, very sweet...so sweet ive got cavities now...

Forgot to add...
this version has no low BAttery Warning ogg file in it..anywhere..it seems it was deleted or just not read properly...so i made my own...

its the ironman, "we are now running on emergency backup power" when it gets to 15%

i made it flashable...or you can unzip it and take it..either way...

i was confused for an hour as to why my battery never warned me...lol

i made this flashed zip so just run it in recovery and its digitally signed...
if you have issues with it,

if you have issues with zip:
1. extract files, lowbattery.ogg
2.move it to your phones, system/media/audio/ui (youll need root access)
3. for permissions: rw-r--r--


  • LowBatteryAlert-IRONMAN-NosTraDomus-signed.zip
    45.5 KB · Views: 160
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I've been developing on this device for 6 Months and I tear every ROM apart and have never seen one with the modem.bin except for the Odin One Clicks

I was shocked too..but it happened.
I was going down the list of roms...installing ..

After a couple I got a data error or network error....
I freaked....

Turned out one of them installed an older modem..lol

So...not to troll like some...but it a relief when I knew how to fix
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actually they do...ive had a couple flash the modem as well...
but i know it didnt touch it, but just seeing if there would be an issue later on...

yes, very sweet...so sweet ive got cavities now...

Forgot to add...
this version has no low BAttery Warning ogg file in it..anywhere..it seems it was deleted or just not read properly...so i made my own...

its the ironman, "we are now running on emergency backup power" when it gets to 15%

i made it flashable...or you can unzip it and take it..either way...

i was confused for an hour as to why my battery never warned me...lol

i made this flashed zip so just run it in recovery and its digitally signed...
if you have issues with it,

if you have issues with zip:
1. extract files, lowbattery.ogg
2.move it to your phones, system/media/audio/ui (youll need root access)
3. for permissions: rw-r--r--

I have this and love it! The flash able zip does not work justs aborts. Manually adding is alright :) thank you for this. Also were can u get more if you may pm ?
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I have this and love it! The flash able zip does not work justs aborts. Manually adding is alright :) thank you for this. Also were can u get more if you may pm ?

yea the flash wasnt working...the older way used to work...maybe i can fix it later...

The jarvis sounds are just by google, there are not many that are raw sound bits, the others, have the movie music in the background

if there was a HD quality sound board or something i could take the sound bits and theme them
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Has anyone noticed a line across the top of their screen coming from the left side? The line on mine is orange. Any way to get rid of it? I'm OCD and its bugging me lol.

Lol..its the battery bar....it goes down with the battery....its green..then when it gets low its orange...like mine now

Its in battery settings
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Anyone having issues getting a picture message through? I've sent pics to a few different people and they don't get them. I'm also having HORRIBLE battery life.. phones been off the charger an hour and its already at 79%

No problems...at all.

Battery life are apps in background.

Use droidwall (firewall)
Or android tuners, firewall

Block all apps that are non system apps...
And any apps you don't want calling home.

Also use Android tuner to stop apps from starting with the phone or running at ALL.

I had same battery issue...
Did that now from 7am til 7pm my battery lasts.

Also, check your battery to make sure its running at peak efficiency...

Also...train your battery!!!!

Do a full charge...then take off charger and let it fully discharge...do this several times and you'll notice a difference.
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Still need a fix on the picture messaging though lol. Thanks for your input on the battery issue Nos :)

Could be a network issue..

Like wrong modem...or bad one...
You can look in The repository for the modem and reflash it... must be compatible with your rom...
So a jb rom...jb modem..etc

there's a few apps that reset your connections in hopes of fixing it...

Id try reflashing the modem again.

Lastly...as last resort reflash rom.

don't use titanium backup to restore any system files...data or apps...they could be corrupted.
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I only see Data usage menu and only have have three options none of which would help.

On a TW ROM go to the dial screen and dial ##3282# (spells data). Under others there are three settings for MMSC URL, Proxy, and proxy port. Those are the settings that need to be correct for Boost. You need to know your MSL to be able to change them.

If you look in the one stop shop there instructions for fixing.

All Sprint labeled ROMs need to have the settings changed in order for MMS to work on a Boost account.
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