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room database problem


I've been using sqlite forever. Finally decided to update my app to room database. Converting it was a treat but afterwards I realized I may have lost a functionality that the DBHelper allowed me to do.

I am currently getting LiveData<List<type>> return from the Dao of my main table. Getting that through a Repository and a ViewModel which holds the LiveData along with an observer. In the database helper I had a routine after iterating the cursor that created a List<object>. The regular rows + header objects mixed in with them. i could then check for type in the Recyclerview adapter and either create a header or a row.

In the Dao I have several @Query lines but not sure how to use the Query to return the same result. I could get the List<type> from the viewmodel observer and work a little mojo on it finally passing it into an object list and use that for the Recyclerview adapter. The livedata would keep the feed up to date. Is there a better way?
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