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Root Rooted but system is still eating up RAM

I have an issue with my RAM when I look at Titanium Backup is says
System 149MB (27.2 MB free)
Internal 221MB (68.9 MB Free)

I have Vampo Recovery and I flashed SpeedRomV3.
Build The_Last_Crap.

I think this is what is slowing down my phone... any suggestions.
BTW tucker I've been using the Vamps 2.0.9lv kernel and its been plenty fast on the Platinum ROM in my personal opinion. Just switched the to The Last Crap kernel to check it out. Running EXT 4 i've gotten the best Linpack and Quadrant scores ever with The Last Crap. I've only used Vampirefo's kernels so I am going to use The Last Crap over the next week or so and see how it performs.
What are you running in the background? Have any apps like weatherbug or things like that?

Xkillswitch I've never tried anything besides TB PRO and like it so have never bothered with trying others. It seems faster since the last update. Faster backup and faster restore from what I've seen so far. So I am happy with my investment in purchasing the PRO key.
Download and install Minfreemanager. Set Hidden App to 30, Content Provider to 60, and Empty App to 90. Hit the menu key and then presets. Then hit save current as custom. Now hit the menu key and hit apply.

From now on when you turn your phone on just go to the app, hit menu, hit presets, hit custom, and hit apply.
Should speed it up some.
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