If I ever figure out how to root my cellularsouth hero, can i or should I download and install 2.1 when we finally get it from my carrier? Will it just over write what I have on there or will it need to be flashed back to stock? There really is no way to back up the OS from what I can tell. When i jailbroke my iphone an upgrade just put it back to factory default with the upgrade. I don't think it works like that with Android right? Because of not baing able to back up the phone before hand i worry about bricking it.
I am also wondering since there is so much trouble rooting the cellularsouth version of the hero, if it is even worth it. By the time i or someone else figures it out 2.1 will be out and then it may be a long time to get that rooted too. Sometimes I wish this company I am with was not cdma. cdma seems to have the most trouble getting rooted. But we do get great signal and service, but thats about all with this company.
I am also wondering since there is so much trouble rooting the cellularsouth version of the hero, if it is even worth it. By the time i or someone else figures it out 2.1 will be out and then it may be a long time to get that rooted too. Sometimes I wish this company I am with was not cdma. cdma seems to have the most trouble getting rooted. But we do get great signal and service, but thats about all with this company.