Can I hack my Sprint EVO 4G to run on Verizon, using this hack (or some other mod)? I understand it would only be 3G, whihc is fine... I rarely use 4G anyway.
My company is getting me a verizon iPhone. The only reason I have the EVO is b/c my company has traditionally issued only Blackberrys, and I couldn't deal with the BB shortcomings any longer -- apps and lack of a functional browser.
Now that I will have a company issued "real" smartphone, I don't see the need to keep my Sprint service, so will be paying the ETF. The iPhone will have wireless tethering enabled, so I should be able to perform most functions on the EVO over wi-fi wherever I'm at. So I don't actually care if it works, or works reliably... would just be nice to have a backup phone (in case all that wi-fi tethering burns my iPhone battery
Has VZW found a way to squash this, or should it work? The linked post above is a couple years old. Thanks for any info.
My company is getting me a verizon iPhone. The only reason I have the EVO is b/c my company has traditionally issued only Blackberrys, and I couldn't deal with the BB shortcomings any longer -- apps and lack of a functional browser.
Now that I will have a company issued "real" smartphone, I don't see the need to keep my Sprint service, so will be paying the ETF. The iPhone will have wireless tethering enabled, so I should be able to perform most functions on the EVO over wi-fi wherever I'm at. So I don't actually care if it works, or works reliably... would just be nice to have a backup phone (in case all that wi-fi tethering burns my iPhone battery

Has VZW found a way to squash this, or should it work? The linked post above is a couple years old. Thanks for any info.