I'm using a rooted ZTE Force with clockword mod recovery and a Samsung Ultra 16gb micro sd card. I was putting some files on my old pc and halfway through the transfer, it stopped. After reattempting it, the phone shut off and when it came back on, my Sd Card was damaged. I ran chkdsk on a friend's laptop and it fixed it temporarily but it became damaged again. So I formatted it and downloaded some backups from gcloud and halfway through the download, my phone shut off and my sdcard was damaged again. I downloaded Aparted to fix the errors and it didn't seem to work. Reformatting helps until the phone reboots. Then it's damaged again. I can't use my computer to run chkdsk because it doesn't have a port for sdcards and the only other computer I have is a chrome book. Anything else I can do?
I've enclosed a screenshot of Aparted attempting a recovery on the damaged sd card.
I've enclosed a screenshot of Aparted attempting a recovery on the damaged sd card.