Hello everyone I would Like to give everyone some good purchasing advice! If your going to purchase an item Please Use A Credit Card thats attached to your Paypal account! Period! Why 1. If you ever have an dispute or Fraud in this case, It would become a federal crime and not a local juridiction case. i.e. I have to find out where the person lives and file a civil case against them. 2 Credit Card Companies have a very large Fraud Department thats always on the case. 3 These Fraud Departments work hand in hand with Paypal, Ebay, Western Union, and more. Since the economy has taken a toll on most of us hard working folks criminal mind lurk these sites and its hard to catch these theives! 4. You will never know if the item was stolen and you can become a defendant in a receiving stolen goods case. 5 Always ask the person for a home address as if you dont have a Paypal account, and at very least a cell phone number to inquiry more about the product making sure to email the same questions that way you have evidence in case something goes wrong. Thanks Be careful!