I'm selling a samsung fascinate in great condition. It comes with the charger, boxes, manuals, and a red verizon silicone case. I also reduced the price due to the fact that only a 2gb sd card comes with this purchase.
$315 shipped FIRM. Flate rate shipping only to the US. That's the only shipping I provide considering I'm paying for it.
I have a verified paypal account, good standing ebay account and I've purchased phones from Nicallen63 and TheAlmightyDrew on this website. So, if you wish.. contact them.
$315 shipped FIRM. Flate rate shipping only to the US. That's the only shipping I provide considering I'm paying for it.
I have a verified paypal account, good standing ebay account and I've purchased phones from Nicallen63 and TheAlmightyDrew on this website. So, if you wish.. contact them.