My dad has a Samsung Galaxy Exhibit and he receives a low memory warning (< 15MB) when trying to open his picture gallery. The device memory shows there is 84MB/1.34GB free.The phone also has a 32gb microSD card in use.
What I don't understand is the device storage shows there is 1.22GB of pictures/videos. When I plug the phone into a Windows computer it only shows 45MB of used space. I turned on to view hidden files and folders and searched through all the folders and could not find these pictures/videos. Any idea where these pictures/videos could be stored?
I believe Android has inaccessible system files, could the pictures/videos be related to these files?
What I don't understand is the device storage shows there is 1.22GB of pictures/videos. When I plug the phone into a Windows computer it only shows 45MB of used space. I turned on to view hidden files and folders and searched through all the folders and could not find these pictures/videos. Any idea where these pictures/videos could be stored?
I believe Android has inaccessible system files, could the pictures/videos be related to these files?