Android Question
i am on my 3rd Samsung Galaxy Relay 4G from tmobile. i have had this one less than a week, the one prior 26 days and the 1st for several months. the 1st worked well for everything except phone calls and it would freeze up before, during and after calls and i would have to pull the battery to get it to unfreeze. the second had the same issue with calls, and gave me a solid blue screen several times that only went away when i pulled the battery. the one that i got this past Monday just froze when i tried to open a text message and i had to pull the battery to get it to unfreeze. i have not expected instant resets, and have waited from 1 minute up to 5 minutes (i timed it) for the reset and still end up pulling the battery. i should not have to keep doing this. any idea what is causing it?