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Samsung s23 contacts problem

This is a strange problem. An example would be of a contact that I had to edit to add a *82 prefix. I actually have several versions of the contact with different titles.

When I ask the Google Assistant to call the number, it shows me list of the related contacts, in order to select one of them, but when the call is generated, the non-prefixed number is used.

Previously, after editing the contacts, if I went back to a couple of them, and tapped on them, to display the phone number and "History" and "Storage Information. The original phone number, without *82, was still listed there down below the current version of the number, but when I chose "edit", that non-prefixed number was nowhere to be found. I deleted and remade all the related contacts.

However, now, when I repeat the sequence with Google Assistant, and choose the preferred contact, it still dials the number without the prefix.

Is it the cloud, or some stored memory on the phone that this number is being retrieved from? Is there a way to fix this?
The cloud backup of your contacts should sync, i.e. when you change it on your phone that change should propagate to the backup. And no, there should not be some separate secret contact store on your phone that is used in preference to your contacts list.

Have you tried adding the prefix to all versions of this contact?

You describe this as a Contacts problem, but are you use it isn't an Assistant problem? Unfortunately I can't advise on Assistant at all because I don't use it (or any other similar system).
I'm just trying to make sense of where this is behavior being generated. I purposely don't sync my contacts.

I don't see how Assistant could be related. All it does it display a choice of contacts for me to select. That's where it's job ends. I select the contact, and the Samsung app dials it.

I deleted all the related contacts, and remade them with only the prefixed number.
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