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Sapphyx Launcher


Android Expert
The last time I posted on these forums, it was literally 5 years ago regarding my custom roms for the LGAlly and Droid Razr, Since than I've moved onto bigger and better things and retired from rom development. You can generally find my activity on xda developers or Google Plus.

Here, I present to you my latest project, Sapphyx Launcher (2)

Now Sapphyx Launcher was initially released last year but due to major changes with the release of Android Oreo and upcoming Android P, I pretty much started over from scratch and released an open beta as number 2.

Sapphyx Launcher is based on Googles Open Source Launcher3/Pixel Launcher as its base but unlike other mods likes Ruthless, Rootless, Lawnchair, Lean and other mocks; Sapphyx Launcher brings to the table and presents itself with many changes and implementations i seen fit for a launcher. Many cosmetical changes, Feature enhancements, Service Pack enhancements, Gestures by Sensey, Real-time adaptive color theming, Vertical and Horizontal support app drawer, Custom style dock, and my homebrew implementation called Swift. Sapphyx Launcher also features our favorite feature, Context Pages. Context Pages were inspired by Luke Klinkers Blur pages from Blur Launcher (Rest In Peace?) and allows users to choose. a custom companion page I would have available to you. These pages act like companions or tools to enhance the launcher homescreen space. The default page is Swiftfeed which is a customizable Newsfeed similar to the classic Google Now. Users can set a custom rss url, set the header image theme, scrim color and feed features like clicking the title of the article will do a google search on the item or sharing the article with friends or long press to preview. Like the launcher, Context Pages are in beta as well and due to change and be enhanced over time.

I cant sell you on what it can and cant do, mostly because its still in the beta and things are bound to fail. Im always changing, improving and removing to see fit for the user. During the beta, the launcher is completely free to use so take advantage of that. The launcher will become locked later on to Premium and Onyx license keys.

Their are 2 license keys to choose from from purchase. Premium and Onyx. Premium is the cheapest option and it unlocks all of your launcher settings and personalization. Onyx on the other hand is the pricey option and unlocks extra features for Context Pages and Optional Pages.

Sapphyx Launcher is available on Google Play and XDA Labs and has an active Google Plus Group, Hangouts group and Telegram chat. I take feedback seriously and do take request.


A full changelog can be found in the launcher settings and newest changes are presented to the user on each update. Sapphyx supports Android 6 and up but mostly optimized for Android Oreo and P going forward.

see you around!
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I used the app and created the forum post via instructions. I think because my launcher is labeled as Settings in the app, its abit confusing...
I plan to publish an update this weekend so il make a small tweak in my manifest to see if the forums app registers it. It rarely says Sapphyx Launcher in the list vs Settings.
I plan to publish an update this weekend so il make a small tweak in my manifest to see if the forums app registers it. It rarely says Sapphyx Launcher in the list vs Settings.

Let us know when you make that update and I can look into it then. May have to recreate this thread etc once you have updated it.
Let us know when you make that update and I can look into it then. May have to recreate this thread etc once you have updated it.

Published a new update. Should be live withen the hour. I changed a few strings and should allow the android forums app to identify it correctly now.
Several Hotfix released over the week. Majority of launcher breaking bugs have been fixed. There is still a huawei system bug that i have yet to find a solution to.

Any other crashes are due to my own code at this time. I'm currently looking at September for a next major update.
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