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Screen brightness not constant on 2.1

I seem to have a weird issue with my screen brightness since upgrading to 2.1. It doesn't stay at the constant brightness I have selected!

Now, I know at 1.6. that there was an auto brightness. I didn't like it and always had it turned off and a constant brightness selected for around the 40% mark. Now at 2.1. the auto brightness option seems to have gone, but anyway.

I have brightness at around 40% fixed. But the brightness doesn't stay fixed. I activate the phone and the screen will go to my desired brightness, then it will go brighter for a second or two, then back to my desired brightness, and then a few seconds later go brighter again. It's like my phone is "breathing"!! It doesn't go that significantly brighter, but enough to be annoying and enough for me to think something is wrong.

Anyone else getting this? Any ideas?

Thanks. :thinking:
I hHave got rid of that widget. I put it back and set it to different settings. But, it makes no difference.

The screen brightness just goes up and down, up and down. I'm not even moving the phone. It's not an auto adjust thing. It seems it's just another annoying aspect of this damned phone and the 2.1 software. :(:(:(
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