Decided to try a screen guard for my phone, so I bought a set of 3 real cheap on Ebay. I followed the directions as best as I could, and I thought I had it done right. It fit well on my screen, I smoothed out the bubbles with little effort, it has a nice mirror effect, it doesn't smudge like the regular screen does, it didn't desensitize the screen to my touch, I was happy!
But then there was this paper tab hanging off it & just making an eyesore of itself. So I tried to pull the tab off the guard, and it was like trying to pull a sticker off of any other plastic surface...there's a bunch of sticker residue on it that I can't get off.
Now, in case not all screen guards are made alike (this is my first one), I'll describe it. It came as 2 pieces of plastic stuck together, each with a paper tab. I removed Tab 1 first (as it was, after all, Tab 1) and found its sheet to be non-adhesive. Tab 2's sheet adhered easily to the screen. Thinking I may have used the wrong sheet, I tugged at Tab 1's tab & found it to be exactly like Tab 2's tab...sticker residue holding it to the sheet.
So how do I remove these tabs? They can't possibly just stay on there making my phone look dorky, can they??
But then there was this paper tab hanging off it & just making an eyesore of itself. So I tried to pull the tab off the guard, and it was like trying to pull a sticker off of any other plastic surface...there's a bunch of sticker residue on it that I can't get off.
Now, in case not all screen guards are made alike (this is my first one), I'll describe it. It came as 2 pieces of plastic stuck together, each with a paper tab. I removed Tab 1 first (as it was, after all, Tab 1) and found its sheet to be non-adhesive. Tab 2's sheet adhered easily to the screen. Thinking I may have used the wrong sheet, I tugged at Tab 1's tab & found it to be exactly like Tab 2's tab...sticker residue holding it to the sheet.
So how do I remove these tabs? They can't possibly just stay on there making my phone look dorky, can they??