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SD card keeps dissappearing


Android Expert
I've just upgraded to an s7 on a subsidiary of ee (utility warehouseclub), I have a pny 64gb high-speed (u1think that's the definition) and it keeps randomly not seeing the card I've repeated it a few times so doubt it's that any idea?

I'm in the same situation. Kingston 64 gig. Samsung S7 *Verizon provider

Here is where it gets strange. As soon as I add my music (WMA and M4A formats) the sh** hits the fan. As long as I keep my pix only on the SD card it seems to do ok. Upon adding any music the card does a vanishing act. It's still shows as an active drive in storage. But when I click on the SD storage in my files it's not there. I have to unmount and remount the card and it's fine for a couple of days, then vanishes again. Some of my pix aren't viewable, and Samsung music says the music files aren't compatible. Unmount/remount all is well.

This is getting old.
MI e is a brand new legit pny from mymemory I have hear there are issues with the SD and the s7/s7 software, is there a power save g mode to the SD card or anything like that? Similar to how windows can shut power down to hard drives etc..
bit of an update, I've wacked into my missises Lenovo think pad and then back into the phone and its decided to show up, now given this is what happened when I popped into an amazon fire tablet something is obviously occurring in this process, any ideas?, I've also reseated it on numerous occasions and both times putting back into the phone after its been in a different device makes it visible again..??????????
Is it a new SD and where did you buy it? Things disappearing, music not playing etc, is often the symptoms of a counterfeit SD. Suggest you check its integrity with SD Insight.


A genuine SD, it should report the correct stated capacity and the manufacturer.
No its a brand new Kingston (Microcenter branded) SD card I purchased from Microcenter. This is my second one. Same issues. If I pull the card and install in one of my pc's all the info is there, and uncorrupted.
The card has just disappeared again, and ive had it out several times and back in - many restarts and still no joy im now going to test that taking it out into another device and then back to see if that brings it back again.

while it was down again i looked at updates etc and it did do an ota update but still not seeing the sdxc u1


this is the card cant see a reason it wouldnt work in this phone?
Ive just discovered that when the error occurs and it is first put into the pc it then shows as there is no more room on the card (h2testw also confirmed this), but then having put the card back into the phone where it showed up as normal, allowed me to take pics etc and access it, and then back into the pc, it also showed as normal with 40gb spare and h2testw was able to scan the card.(ongoing now)

whether this is a phone problem or a sd problem I do not know, my phone did update i while i was in the process of it having disappeared maybe that is a fix i dint know.

thanks john..
I'd imagine they do, why do you think the u1 speed could be the problem? I know the vendor only has that particular card from Pny at 64gb, they do, do a drop down though that select model etc so it then shows comparable cards which this one supposedly is, if it re occurs I'll stick my old 16 go class 10 in and see if that works for a while..
As I said on http://androidforums.com/threads/sd-card-notification.1066881/ I'm pretty sure this is a hardware issue with the phone and can only be fixed by replacement. Someone kindly suggested that it might be the SD card itself, despite it working perfectly in my previous phone (an S4) and other devices, which seems optimistic at best (plus I've tried other cards - as has thequeencheese above -to no avail).

If you google the problem there are many threads on many different fora reporting this issue for both S7 and edge. Replacement seems to be the only way to fix it.
I would imagine it's a software image over a hardware issue, for me anyway given the way it is only readable again by the phone after it's been in another device and viewed in that, if it was hardware just taking it out and back in should work also..
If you are loading a card on the computer, don't let Windows fix the files. At least on 7Pro, Windows has no damn idea of what file format goes where and I can't think that 8 or 10 are any different.

In fact, format the card on the device, not on Windows. I keep getting the notice on an SD card for books. The Android ereader and the sd card show up just fine in My Computer.
Yeah I've not instigated anything on the pc all I've done is plug it in and the of has seen it no problems, it then worked in the s7 afterwards, up to now tho touch wood after the update and a restart as it showed up in my files but showed as empty it has been fine, but also in that breath I've not really accessed the sad card other than playing music in the car and I'm more suspicious of the gallery and camera app as being a culprit for the issues..
Still now and again shows as empty until a reboot, whether this is relevant or not it seems to occur / me notice it when using the camera / accessing the gallery but that maybe coincidence?
Well, despite calling the idea "Optimistic at best" I actually got round to buying a new SD card (my gf needed one so I figured I'd give it a go in my phone before handing it over). My own SD card had completely stopped working at this point which was going to make explaining it to the supplier a bit easier (try reporting intermittent problems, it's a nightmare) so I was just making-sure before taking the phone back.
Rather embarrassingly the 128GB card I bought works fine in my phone, it's been in there ever since and hasn't remounted once.

Now, I've no idea what went wrong with the old one - it worked tirelessly in my S4 for years without a problem. The S4 died because its power switch locked in the closed position (so it switch on and off constantly). From day one in the S7 it showed unmounting/remounting symptoms which got worse until it finally gave-up completely. If you can get hold of a new card it's worth a go. As I said I was buying a new one anyway so it worked-out fine for me (don't worry the gf got hers too). My phone is now just about perfect (and I don't have to go through the hassle of setting-up a new unit) and I'm very happy.
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