Android Expert
Hi Boardies.
Okay so I transfer files to my card via USB all the time, and most of the time it's stuff I want to try out like Icons, or Wallpaper. I'm getting tired of having to pull down the notification bar, go into SD Card useage options and then swapping between Drive, Sync, or charge.
Is there a set of switches, or toggles that you can put on your home screen that allows you to swap between the different card settings without doing all this notification bar crap?
Okay so I transfer files to my card via USB all the time, and most of the time it's stuff I want to try out like Icons, or Wallpaper. I'm getting tired of having to pull down the notification bar, go into SD Card useage options and then swapping between Drive, Sync, or charge.
Is there a set of switches, or toggles that you can put on your home screen that allows you to swap between the different card settings without doing all this notification bar crap?