Your "/sdcard" generally corresponds to your "home" or "My Documents" directory, and is as such a "prime target" for your apps to store their stuff. Unless the app has a user setting for where to store its application data, you will need to recompile the application if you want to move the directory it creates.
I feel your pain, though. Maybe we should lobby for a guideline for apps to use, say, "/sdcard/appdata" (as in "/sdcard/appdata/someapplication"), but where would you start with something like that?
I share your gripe. It would be nice if there was an app that check for orphaned directories from uninstalled programs and give the option to delete them but as of yet I have come up empty. When cruising my SD card I am constanly finding directories from programs I removed months ago. Developers should write their programs to remove all traces (maybe give you a choice if you want to keep related data should you decide to reinstall). Maybe some day...
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