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separate sections...

Why not have separate sections...

Themes,Kernels,Custom Roms,

i took a look in here...Samsung Galaxy S Guide: Updated 16:52 BST, MAR 18 2011 (More Kernels and Accessories!)

most of them are pointing towards XDA :rolleyes:

did see that. many guides is out dated. also many are just copies from XDA.
I think they can be better and I think they should have there own guides. :)
The thing is that many of them is written on xda from people that has less skill then many, but they still write guides and they have very often flaws and errors.
I have pointed this out many times on XDA, but the fanboys just trash my comments and make the OP on those tread to some kind of guru.. lol.
There is a few on XDA that know what they talking about..
Well thats was may rant.. lol
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what a shame....

for myself,im travelling between 3 sites...Darky's site,home of darky's rom and steel blue's theme......galaxy FR french site and now here

im not a pro,a programmer or things like that...but i do enjoy flashing,trying things,ROMS,THEMES and of course KERNELS...

ill do my best to help,explain what i did and worked...even daugh im french and may make mistakes in my writing hahaha.

and with my job,as a wrecker driver/operator or a tow truck driver,im here and a minute later im gone
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what a shame....

for myself,im travelling between 3 sites...Darky's site,home of darky's rom and steel blue's theme......galaxy FR french site and now here

im not a pro,a programmer or things like that...but i do enjoy flashing,trying things,ROMS,THEMES and of course KERNELS...

ill do my best to help,explain what i did and worked...even daugh im french and may make mistakes in my writing hahaha.

and with my job,as a wrecker driver/operator or a tow truck driver,im here and a minute later im gone

As you have noted yourself, we can't spend all our time on this forum. Besides, it is a little counter productive to write a new guide when there's someone has already written one. And yes, most of them are from XDA, mainly because there's usually where I find my information from. We do have a few guides written by our own members, but they are usually tips & tricks guides, or outdated. (OCLF guides....) But you are always welcome to write your own guide thread. :D

Unlike XDA, most of the members here are new users who are simply content with installing new apps and wallpapers. You might have noticed that the root section doesn't get much visitors at all. At the moment I don't really see a huge need for a separate section for custom roms and kernels (Do we really need TWO English speaking forums on roms and kernels?), but we probably need a new section for trouble shooting. Lately there's been a huge influx of new users in this forum.
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Well more sub forum just make it easy to find stuff.
Also this forum should try not live in the shadow of xda. I can easy say this site is better in many ways.
I think after my move here and also you got now one of the best rom makers there will be alot more users here. I guess many is much more experience then maybe many users here.
But like I sad this place should try to live on there own. :)

I bet some that will come here will write new guides and help out. I think your normal user is about to get alot of expertise very close.
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