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Service in Lincoln Tunnel

FYI For those in the NY/NJ area, T-Metro has 4G service inside the tunnel. Full bars end to end.

Thanks for the info.

Sadly, this is only because of 9/11.....and it took a full decade.

I was blogging like 15 years ago, that all undergrounds n tunnels have wifi n cellular-- even if it took granting one entity a monopoly(they would pay good money for this in exchange--heck, how much could this have hurt, there were already monopolies in place hurting prices and techological advances).
Like a lot of us, i wanted it primarily for positive reasons, rather than negative(security).

We're finally just getting around to it....for the wrong primary reason...and to boot at a glacial pace.

We're embarassingly one of the technological backwaters of the world---spending trillions on the wrong things.
Are they the only ones with service in the tunnel, or do other carriers have it as well?

Pretty sure the other major carriers have had it in the tunnels for a while. Metro pre-merger never did, and I doubt they have plans to add it for their CDMA network which is going away in 2015.
So, this is another benefit of the merger and an advantage of switching to a GSM phone.
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