Hi Android Peoples!
My name is Clay Graham, also known as @claytantor on Service Tattler. If you you haven't heard of Service Tattler I would summarize it as "micro service reviews" that leverage the location services of the android platform. Basically we provide simple tools that you can use in the real world rating, timers, even a tip calculator to create basic reviews. You can then share those reviews on our website, with twitter, and now Foursquare. Available as "Service Tattler" on marketplace.
If you are interested in learning more about it I even made a movie:
Service Tattler
The reason I am making this post is because I wanted to tell everybody here that we are in the process of a full integration with Foursquare, and we now support Foursquare checkins.
Now you can checkin with foursquare, and tattle all in one application! We think its very cool and use a scoring system too to provide rewards to our users. This is just the beginning. We currently have a national group of passionate users who actually have started becoming a public foodie union, united in helping each other find great places to eat.
Public foodies unite!
We hope you all become part of the community,