Does anybody know how to set the priority for the rules? I have (for instance) 2 rules set up. One is for when I'm home, and a second is for when the battery is below 20%. Is there a way to make the 20% rule be a higher priority than the home profile? Meaning if I'm at home, and the battery falls below 20%, switch to the low battery profile?
I ran into this in a way I can test. I have a home profile and a car dock profile. I have tested this and can reproduce it. I'm at home, so the home profile exists. My home profile is based on a lat/long (which is interesting in that my lat/long when at home on the network extender puts me in New York, while I'm actually in NH, but that's a different problem), but if I put it in my car dock, it stays on the home profile...
I'd like to be able to set a priority for rules, in case more than one rule applies. My low battery rule should be highest priority, overshadowing all other rules (for power saving), then my car dock rule, then my home profile... So far I cannot find a way to make this happen or define which rules are more important than others...
Any help on this would be appreciated!