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shopping app both android and iphone


Hi all,

I'm looking for a grocery cart/shopping list app that is out for both the android (my Evo 4G) and iphone (my wife's 3GS). Does anyone know of one with both versions, and more importantly, will keep our two lists synced up?

Thanks in advance!
GroceryIQ . Excellent app and is on both iphone and android. As for syncing up I'm unsure but it can be linked to an account I thiink.
Thanks so much, this works perfectly! And auto-syncs, don't have to hit a sync button! My wife can now add items on her 3GS, and they show up on my Evo 4G! Sweet!

Cookies, thanks, anything you want to you!
This looks like a good thread to post this in:

I recently did a comparison of OurGroceries and Grocery iQ. Surprise, surprise, neither had all the features I want/need. Unfortunately, using both apps is horribly inefficient, so I have to pick one.

IMO, OurGroceries has far more potential but Grocery iQ is a superior time saver as of right now. If my main priority was list synchronization, OurGroceries would be the way to go, but since my main priority is in-store-efficiency, Grocery iQ is the easy choice, especially if I shop at more than one store on a regular basis (I do). The main reason Grocery iQ does make in-store-shopping so much more efficient is b/c of the ability to set up different stores and set the store aisles. You can then apply any shopping list to any store and it will sort things by aisle for you.

So am I settling for Grocery iQ you ask? Not exactly: below is an email I sent to the OurGroceries team (support@ourgroceries.com and info@ourgroceries.com both got the email bc I wasn't sure which to go to first).
HINT: I suggest that you send similar emails if you feel the same as me about the needed additions to OurGroceries... I mean who doesn't want an uber app?!

I wanted to email to express my gratitude for the excellent app you've produced. It has helped me be more productive and thorough when shopping already.

The next part of the email is suggestions. I'm sure you get these all the time, and I apologize for joining the crowd, but I recently found an app that puts me between a rock and a hard place when it comes to choosing between the two apps. Before I get going, I want acknowledge that I am not paying for your app, and therefore, this email should be taken as a humble request: I am by no means suggesting that I deserve these features or that you owe me them. I completely understand that the only real reason you for making changes is to stay competitive, so I'm simply hoping to provide some suggestions to assist you in doing that. It appears that your only real competition on the Android platform is Grocery iQ, so that is the other app I will focus on.

Right now I'm left wavering between your OurGroceries app and Grocery iQ app. Here's my comparison to help you understand what I'm looking for (and based on the comments on the market and in a few forums I'm a member of, it isn't just me):

OurGroceries app advantages:
> Better syncing between more devices (Grocery iQ only does btwn other phones)
> Recipe feature (not present in Grocery iQ)
> Quicker/more simple adding of items
> Ability to text message a list (Grocery iQ does emailing only which means I need to copy/paste to send via text message)

Grocery iQ app advantages:
> Stores feature (the draw of this is the ability to enter aisle numbers for different stores and then filter my shopping checklists by aisle for a given store. This is a HUGE time saver.)
> Ability to add item prices and more detailed info

Both apps are missing:
> The ability to check off or uncheck all items at once (a check all/ uncheck all feature).

Right now since my need to be more efficient outweighs my need for sharing, Grocery iQ seems to be the better choice, simply because it keeps me organized by asile at all my regular stores. As I mentioned before, this is a HUGE HUUUUGE time saver. Overall, I like OurGroceries better, but the store/aisles feature in Grocery iQ is really indispensable. Please let me know if you are planning to include a similar functionality any time in the near future for your Android version of OurGroceries.
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