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Should I buy an amazing phone? Or a good phone and a good tablet?


Ok I have a decision to make. (if too long, skip to the bottom few questions)

Ive been looking at newer phones and Ive been really really tempted the prospect of being a specs-whore that had the latest top of the line equipment. And while Ive been so indecisive about what resolution and screen size I really needed in a phone, I asked myself "why not get a tablet too?".

Ive always had modest phones...Pantech Pocket, Optimus F6, etc. Ive never had a 5 inch phone or a phone with HD resolution...but while I was out in the store yesterday seeing if I would like such phones, I really did like what I saw. I realized I much enjoyed 5 inch screens and that they will fit in pockets well, and I was amazed by 1080p video on the HTC One M8. I loved how it felt in my hand too. I didnt know a 5 inch phone could be so comfy and pocket-able as well. I even looked at the LG G3 and while I liked the 1440p content I saw...I couldnt say there was a significant improvement that I could detect over 1080p on screen sizes under 7 inches. That said, the LG G3 was also very comfy to hold and had great color reproduction that was better than the M8 (is that the screen tech or the QHD doing that?)

So I came home and did research into pricing. And I realized that high end GSM phones with 1080p or higher capability were pretty expensive to buy off-contract. I have Tmobile prepaid and dont want to enter into a contract just to save money on a phone (especially since my bill will go up a bit). Then I saw that many bigger tablets with good resolutions had attractive prices.

So i thought to myself..."what exactly do I need my phone to do when Im commuting, at work, or out on the town?" I know I need 4g speeds, a phone over at least 4.5 inches but still comfortably pocket-able in both dress pants and slim jeans, and I also need a phone that wont allow me to detect pixels in videos, pictures, or text when 12 inches from my face. Also, I do serious gaming on my pc...so any Android games I play will be stuff like Subway Surfers or emulators (N64, Genesis, etc)

That all said, I am still interested in watching HD video on a nice screen. But once I picked up phones that got close to or beyond 6 inches, my thumbs couldnt reach across the width of the screen, and I couldnt reach all of the icons comfortably with one hand without repositioning how I held the device. Nevermind how big this would look and feel in a pocket at work or in the bar.

I figured that given Im not going to be a huge power user on my phone, that instead of going for a top of the line big screen phone, that I could go midrange, but then also get a tablet if I really wanted to look at HD content on a larger screen. Im doing research at the moment, and seeing if I can get a really good phone and tablet for the price of a large flagship full HD or even QHD phone.

So I thought to get some advice here from people who have both tablets and phones;

1. Given my needs, do you think I need 720p or 1080p in a phone?

2. For those who have phones at least 5.7 inches, how comfortable are they in your pockets and in day to day use? Do you feel I should sacrifice screen size in a phone purchase in order to further fund a tablet?

3. In a tablet, at what screen size do you recommend QHD over FHD?

Lastly, part of the reason I am considering a tablet is that I know itll split the cost of my budget between devices. Im concerned with shelling out $450+ on just a phone, because I know a phone will be more susceptible to damage given how I use phone and where I take them. My tablet would see less travel and less risky use.
I would recommend just getting a phone and if you are going to watch videos at Home, get a Chromecast and plug it in your TV or monitor. Get a good phone that will last. Galaxy Note 4 is coming out late September I hear.

A tablet in reality is just a bigger phone. It does all the same things, the only thing that is different is the size and some looks. Other than that, it's basically the same.

As for size and fitting in your pocket. I was the one who put a 8 inch tablet in my pocket. Then again, I have big pockets. People will think your weird though, but it's becoming normal these days to have giant phones.
Thanks for the reply.

This may sound weird, but I dont have a TV or monitor that I could plug chromecast into. The tv in our living room is a 50 inch projection TV that my mom doesnt really want to upgrade. In her mind, if the picture still looks good, why waste the money just on television? She's very practical about technology. She doesnt see the point in getting the latest and greatest tech. If something still performs decently, she wont upgrade. She actually still had an LG Chocolate 2 up until I finally tempted her into upgrading to a smartphone last year.

And my PC monitor is a 17inch CRT lol. Yeah yeah, super old technology, but Im just used to it. I actually bought a 40inch HDTV in the winter, and returned it because I wasnt too pleased with that particular tv. And then I simply didnt take time to upgrade again. What's weird is that I have a workstation hooked up to the CRT that doubles as my gaming PC. Dual quad-core Xeon CPUs running at 3 ghz a piece, 12 gigs of ram, and an ATI HD7850 2 GB video card. Haha...I play up to date games in high def, but on 17 inches of 4:3 format lol.

So given the technology of my TV and monitor, you can see why Ive simply considered a tablet. Chromecast wouldnt help me here.

PS - I dunno how in the world you fit an 8 inch tablet into pants. Good god.
Thanks for the reply.
PS - I dunno how in the world you fit an 8 inch tablet into pants. Good god.

Not weird at all. I have many desktop PC's with great monitors, but I generally use my tablet for watching TV because it's more convenient to where I can watch what I want where I want, where I want.

So, no ChromeCast, No TV, no Monitor.

Do you have like a PlayStation 3, or 4?

Because I know they have bluetooth that you can just stream Netflix and Youtube from your phone to the TV. Very good, I change the program all the time on my borthers PS3. If Not...

If I had to make a choice... I would consider all options. For my general use, I have a Moto G on Boost Mobile. The phone is slow at times, probably because I have a bunch of crap on it...

However, I use my Galaxy Note 10.1 by far the most out of all the computers I have. I would say it can do 85% of all my computer needs right now, and in the future, (hopefully android gets there it can be 100% but I highly doubt that)

I use my Note for school. In fact, it's the only thing I bring to school. That an a pencil, but nothing else. Just a tablet. It's the most useful computer I have ever owned, despite the age of it, it's running just fine. May not be the fastest, or the best looking or the best screen, but it's still doing everything I need it to.

I'm a note fan, and am considering changing my phone to a Note 4. But it has to impress me. If it's another Galaxy S 5 demo... I'll be sad.

Just consider EVERYTHING you will be doing with both devices, and what will that perfect device do for you.
I was actually thinking of getting my mom the Moto G on Verizon. Thanks again for the reply. Ive been looking at the Galaxy Note versions. I still have a good bit of research ahead of me. I really plan out my electronics purchases.
That's good. Plan out away.

I would recommend going on T-Mobile's notwork with no contract. Don't get stuck into a contract. It's a nightmare. It's why I'll never use At&t again.
I actually have the Tmobile $30, 100 minute plan with unlimited data and text. The Moto G would have been a phone Id get if I werent on a GSM network. Instead I recommended it to my mom since she has verizon and they are so affordable on the CDMA networks. The reason I dont get it for myself is because I cant get over the fact that the GSM version is over double the CDMA Moto G price.

Hell, the Moto G was 50 and 60 bucks earlier this summer for the CDMA versions depending on carrier, but now its back up to 80. The cheapest Im seeing the GSM version is around 175 bucks. I cant get over the price difference lol.
Wow. That's a high price, but that is what it retails for. They are cheaper on those CDMA prices because I don't know why haha. But I have one. If you don't plan to leave the country at all and you are in the USA them CDMA is a good choice. Only if the carrier your with supports it though.

Boost mobile in the city is a great service. When you leave it though. It's a nightmare.
Moved here for better exposure and discussion
For me, I have a Moto X high end phone with midrange pricing and a Nexus 7 2013 tablet for roughly the price of an S5 (~$700). That's both purchased brand new.
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