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Help Slow response time


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2011
First, I think I have a Rugby Pro - SGH-1547. Don't know if that is a Rugby Smart or not. I began having 3 problems (symptoms?) about 2 months ago. Don't know if it's actually ONE problem or not but I'm going to describe all 3 in case they're related. Slow - Often, when I try to turn on my phone in the morning, I must hit the power key every few seconds for 2-3 minutes. Swiping to a new screen can take 2-3 seconds to respond and another 5-7 seconds for the icons to populate the screen. Opening apps like Evernote or Amazon AppStore can take 5-10 seconds to open - sometimes 30-60 seconds with a black screen during the interval. I've rebooted. I've tried memory boosting apps - no change. (In my web search, I've read many articles claiming this wouldn't work). I've cleared cache. I've uninstalled some apps. Nothing worked. Battery - Since buying the phone, I've rarely needed to recharge my phone during the day. One charge while sleeping was sufficient. Recently I've been charging my phone 3x/day. It seems battery usage is 'normal' from 100% to about 80%. After that it can lose 20% in an hr while the phone is off and in my pocket. Bought/installed a new battery. No help. SMS - When I create send an SMS, I'll get the 'working' icon that will spin for minutes - I turn the phone off and go about my day. Often, 2-3 hours later (no exaggeration), I'll get a response from the recipient who 'just got' my SMS. I've done some searching here and on the web, tried a number of things, but nothing has helped. Guidance please.
I've tried memory boosting apps - no change. (In my web search, I've read many articles claiming this wouldn't work).
They don't boost the memory, they kill apps so that there's more free memory - exatly the opposite of what you want. In Windows it's up to the user to keep as much memory free as possible. In Android. unused memory is wasted memory.

Since buying the phone, I've rarely needed to recharge my phone during the day. One charge while sleeping was sufficient. Recently I've been charging my phone 3x/day. It seems battery usage is 'normal' from 100% to about 80%. After that it can lose 20% in an hr while the phone is off and in my pocket.[/QUOTE] Off (powered completely off) or the screen is off but the phone is on?

If the first, there's a hardware problem.

If the second, go to Settings, look at the battery and see what's using most of the power. That might be a clue.

Also, try Low on Space? Dump logcat
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One way to tell if you have the Smart or Pro is the number of buttons it has on the face. The Smart has 4, the Pro has 3.

As for your problems, this happens to Android. As the number of apps goes up, the slower the system gets (on stock ROMs, Touchwiz is terrible about this).

Second, your screen is holding a wake-lock, meaning while the CPU is sleeping, the screen is still awake.

Third, call AT&T and see if they know what's up with your SMS service (this may not be the phone's fault).
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