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SMS messages all disappear.


Nov 12, 2010
So I have a Verizon S3 (unrooted) that is giving me trouble. At times, when I go into the Messaging app, it will show me that I have no sms messages on my phone. In reality, I have tons of them on there. I can even be reading a text, click to go back to the main screen, and then they all just disappear.

Sometimes I can open the Messaging app and it will flicker so I can see all my messages for a split second before it goes to the No Messages screen.

When this happens, I have to reboot the phone and then they all show up again. I can also open some other SMS program and it will also show that I have no messages so it's something within the system and not with any specific app.

Does anyone know what causes this or a way to make it stop? It's really annoying to have to keep rebooting my phone just to see my messages.


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