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So long iPhone... Hello Droid!


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2009
Hey All!

New to the forums and new to the Droid and Android OS. Been a previous WinMo user who went to the first edition Storm then over to the iPhone. Each have had their positives as well as their shortcomings.

My Droid is being delivered tomorrow and I am very anxious to tear the box open and start learning this new device. Still a BlackBerry (8830) user for work and looking forward to having this device for personal use.

Will be scouring the forums (and search!) for tips, tricks, hints, must have apps, and everything else to get going. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
Hey All!

New to the forums and new to the Droid and Android OS. Been a previous WinMo user who went to the first edition Storm then over to the iPhone. Each have had their positives as well as their shortcomings.

My Droid is being delivered tomorrow and I am very anxious to tear the box open and start learning this new device. Still a BlackBerry (8830) user for work and looking forward to having this device for personal use.

Will be scouring the forums (and search!) for tips, tricks, hints, must have apps, and everything else to get going. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Welcome to the AF forums and enjoy your visits !! :cool:
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