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So my carrier is pretty much saying screw you?


Android Enthusiast
Mobile Internet, Smartphone and BlackBerry Access service may not be used: (1) for Peer to Peer applications such as music download services; (2) for uploading, downloading or streaming of movies, music or games; (3) with server devices or with host computer applications other than the BlackBerry Enterprise Service, including without limitation, Web camera posts or broadcasts, continuous jpeg file transfers, automatic data feeds, telemetry applications, automated functions or any other machine-to-machine applications; (4) as a substitute for backup for private lines or dedicated data connections; (5) for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP); (6) for multi-media streaming; (7) for any other application which uses excessive network capacity or may otherwise adversely impact other users, where such application is not made available to you by SaskTel; and (8) in any manner that consumes excess network capacity or affects, degrades or interferes with SaskTel’s ability to provide services including the Service, to others, as determined by SaskTel.

So all I am allowed to do is surf the net, check emails? And thats it?

So I guess I better just use Wifi when at home. As I already racked up 100 megabytes in two days over 3g.

So no autmatic data feeds:

So no friendstream?

No multmedia streaming:

Oh so no youtube?

(7) for any other application which uses excessive network capacity or may otherwise adversely impact other users, where such application is not made available to you by SaskTel; and (8) in any manner that consumes excess network capacity or affects, degrades or interferes with SaskTel’s ability to provide services including the Service, to others, as determined by SaskTel.

Oh I see so no Android apps at all!

The source:
This is fairly normal really.

I check mail, browse, use apps like IMDB, New Scientist, Wapedia, Engadget, Facebook, Movie Show Guide, RAC traffic info, google maps as often as I like.

I use approx 5-6Mb most days, sometimes a little more.
I feel totally liberated with this freedom.

as for streaming, well I can see their problem, a few people will screw it up for everyone else.
I have a vast music collection on my card - no need to stream
I have a Few films for if I'm bored - no need to stream
and FB reader with any amount of books.

I don't feel screwed, I feel liberated.
My Provider allows me 1Gb per month and this is more than enough with plenty left over for emergencies.
My friend has 500Mb per month and never gets that used up either.

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