'Even More' plans have been replaced with 'Value' plans. These do not offed so-called 'discounted' or 'subsidized' phones, you buy a phone outright for full price. However, if you're on a Value plan T-Mo will still finance the phone, which is the same thing anyway. You still put say, $199 down and pay the balance monthly. IOW, no matter your plan, no matter whether 'subsidized' or financed, the phone ends up costing the same.
BUT...if you buy a phone outright and go Value, your monthly bill is less. If you go Value and finance a phone, your bill goes down after the phone is paid for. Or you can buy a used phone to save money.
BUT...if you go with a standard plan and a 'subsidized' phone, not only do you pay a higher monthly bill, your bill does NOT go down in a couple of years, after you've paid for your phone. IOW, no matter how long you keep using the same phone, you pay the higher 'subsidized' rate. Which is a sweet deal for the phone company. They love it when people on standard contracts just keep their old phones.