Phoenix Zero
I simply can't find a solid RSS feed reader and widget (mostly the widget).
I've tried NewsRoom, NewsRob, BlueRSS, DoggCatcher etc, and they all 1) are missing a widget, 2) are ugly, 3) are missing some basic functionality.
Can everyone please share what RSS feed reader app and widget they use? Preferably one that can sync with Google Reader but not necessarily, just an extra. I'm more interested in the widget, also.
Thanks guys.
I've tried NewsRoom, NewsRob, BlueRSS, DoggCatcher etc, and they all 1) are missing a widget, 2) are ugly, 3) are missing some basic functionality.
Can everyone please share what RSS feed reader app and widget they use? Preferably one that can sync with Google Reader but not necessarily, just an extra. I'm more interested in the widget, also.
Thanks guys.