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Something I'm wondering about the Nexus/4G phones


Android Enthusiast
Jul 20, 2010
If this should go in the Android Lounge, mods/guides please move it, I was on the fence about where it should go.

My Eris is finally starting to show its age, so come Friday I'll be picking up the Galaxy Nexus. I figure if I'm going to get a new phone I might as well pick up one that will last for quite a while.
However, one thing that might prevent me from getting it is the fact that its a 4G phone. I'm wondering if I buy a 4G capable phone if I have to get a 4G data plan with it, or if I can just use it on 3G. My town has horrible 4G signal since the nearest tower is about an hour and a half away from where I live, and I would also like to be able to keep my unlimited data. If you guys can answer this question, I would appreciate it quite a bit.
When you get a 4G phone you're automatically have the 4g unlimited data plan if you already have the 3G unlimited data plan. Verizon dont charge separate for their 4G on their phones.

Ah, well I did not know that. Thank ye.

Sadly that doesn't fix the bad signal problem. Do you by chance know if I can get the phone without a 4G plan, just for the sake of ease, or is that not an option?

@B2L, thanks for moving it.
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