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Soul Crushing Impatience

Am I the only one out there kind of losing my mind over not being able to order a TF Prime? My fiance was amazing enough to get me an OG Transformer for Xmas, but it had some pretty wicked backlight bleed so I figured I'd take the opportunity to exchange the OG for a gift card and order the supposedly-soon-to-be-available Prime.

Well, Best Buy still shows "coming soon" and there hasn't been much budging. I have to say, I have a hard time having much sympathy for those of you out there moaning about the lousy GPS - I'd happily embrace it. Any idea on when stocks will be replenished again so I can finally satiate my quad core envy?
Am I the only one out there kind of losing my mind over not being able to order a TF Prime? My fiance was amazing enough to get me an OG Transformer for Xmas, but it had some pretty wicked backlight bleed so I figured I'd take the opportunity to exchange the OG for a gift card and order the supposedly-soon-to-be-available Prime.

Well, Best Buy still shows "coming soon" and there hasn't been much budging. I have to say, I have a hard time having much sympathy for those of you out there moaning about the lousy GPS - I'd happily embrace it. Any idea on when stocks will be replenished again so I can finally satiate my quad core envy?

That was very nice of her I hope she understands you returning what she bought you Bjswholesale had some in stock the other night just keep looking you will find soon enough.
ryguy5254, you're my hero. Just placed the order and it should be on its way soon. Thanks for the heads up!

Now I just need to find the gray keyboard dock from Best Buy and play the waiting game.
Dammit....I just ordered with Office depot. I would rather have ordered thru BB. BB says they leave the warehouse in 1 business day. Talk about crushing impatience...
Am I neurotic or what??? I just cancelled with OD(With "Cynthia" in their CS) and ordered through Best Buy. My main reasoning for this is their return policy. OD says if the box is open, then they will only exchange. I like BB's policy of being able to return no questions asked. That way, if this thing ends up sucking, I can always return and try something else or back to the iPad...heaven forbid... I sure hope I don't end up with two of these things....hahaha. Sell on eBay for over retail to some sucker like me....
ryguy5254, you're my hero. Just placed the order and it should be on its way soon. Thanks for the heads up!

Now I just need to find the gray keyboard dock from Best Buy and play the waiting game.

I've been waiting for the gray dock from best buy since I received mine, but no one seems to have any for the time being. Very few reports of people receiving them at this point. Looks like end of the month at the earliest.
I've been waiting for the gray dock from best buy since I received mine, but no one seems to have any for the time being. Very few reports of people receiving them at this point. Looks like end of the month at the earliest.

I have a feeling that a lot of the docks ae being sent over to europe seeing as we are being made to buy the prime with the dock over here.

or is it just best buy that seem to be out of them.
I have a feeling that a lot of the docks ae being sent over to europe seeing as we are being made to buy the prime with the dock over here.

or is it just best buy that seem to be out of them.

That could be the case for low stock. Amazon is saying end of the month or into February. Best buy is saying even less, simply "coming soon".
I can wait. I am waiting for two main things.

1. my wife bought me a Kindle Fire for Xmas, that after rooting and un-kindling I kind of like. BUT I am going to return....Its no prime.


2. For the prime to be in stock anywhere….
Best Buy's link is working again, and showing in stock. i just ordered mine, and got a confirmation email. delivery expected between 1/11-1/16. so, i'll have until the end of the month to decide whether i'll keep it, or whether i will want to get something from CES (like the lenovo LePad K2).
I ordered the champagne-gold dock on the 22nd of November, along with my Prime. Early in December Amazon changed my shipping status to estimated delivery of the dock on Jan 5, 2012. Jan 5 comes with an email saying this product is delayed, and I was given the offer to cancel or continue to wait. For now, I've chosen to wait, but I've seen nothing from Amazon giving me an updated time frame at this point.

At least I've got my Prime, and my 32GB card was delivered last night, so I'm rocking 64GB now, at less than what a 64GB would have cost.

By the way, I've got a lot of music videos and digital movies in which many of them weren't playing or stuttering when they did. I downloade MXPlayer and solved my issue. Great program for the Prime, and you'll see several Prime owners commenting and rating it 5 star.
Received notice that the tablet was shipped today, and was finally able to order the dock to go with it at the same time. Now it's just waiting for the UPS man like a starved puppy by the door at dinner time.
Received notice that the tablet was shipped today, and was finally able to order the dock to go with it at the same time. Now it's just waiting for the UPS man like a starved puppy by the door at dinner time.

i got my notice, too, that it shipped today. drive like the wind, UPS; drive like the wind!!
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