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Help sound problem very low sound quality

One might think that the The Galaxy Mini would have great sound quality since it has SRS and a generous Equalizer. I wan't to replace my current high-end Mp3-player with a combined phone/mp3-player and I've looked at the Mini as a solution. However are there more users that think that the quality is lacking (using in-ear headphones)?
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I've got the same issue. I got some Sony earphones that have excellent sound quality with other devices as well as great volume tolerance. However with my Galaxy mini, the sound quality is great, but the volume is way too low. This is a phone used by people in urban environment, not in the wilderness where there's lots of silence.
I walk on the street, I grab the subway, I ride the buss, my car... and the volume is just too damn low!
I've check all settings, equalizer, whateva and nothing's changed.
Even if squeeze the earphones in 'till it hurts, sometimes it just doesn't cut it.
Is there a pluggin, an application.. a driver, whateva something that would help me boost the sound volume? Thank you :)
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