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Sprint to Double Upgrade Fee

sprint are a company.. sprint have to make a profit for their shareholders. us consumers are last in the bread line.

ill likely not need to worry about the ETF either. I see its a necessary step Sprint have to take to keep competitive.

i tell you id rather have the ETF fee and handset upgrade fee (both of which i dont ever plan on seeing at Sprint) go up than the price of my plan or data!

other carriers have high ETFs as well as high plan costs and offers less in those plans than what Sprint offers... so let them make some strategic moves to keep them in business.
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sprint are a company.. sprint have to make a profit for their shareholders. us consumers are last in the bread line.

ill likely not need to worry about the ETF either. I see its a necessary step Sprint have to take to keep competitive.

i tell you id rather have the ETF fee and handset upgrade fee (both of which i dont ever plan on seeing at Sprint) go up than the price of my plan or data!

other carriers have high ETFs as well as high plan costs and offers less in those plans than what Sprint offers... so let them make some strategic moves to keep them in business.


Honestly, I think a lot of this as to do with the iPhone coming to Sprint. The iPhone requires more subsidization than any phone on the market (thanks to Jobs/Apple), really, these fees are not a major problem to me if it keeps my unlimited data and good service plan rates. One time fees are far better than recurring fees (like overages for data, etc.)
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One of the best aspects of Sprint was their prices and unlimited plans. Now we are seeing Sprint slowly follow Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile by tacking on more and more fees. Who knows, maybe in October when the hoard of Apple-loving fanboys all buy Sprint iPhones, we could see a data cap...
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