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Stable... not really


May 20, 2011
Hi All,

strange how some update makes things worse then before the update.
I was having problems with TouchWiz, namely it kept crashing, resulting in either a reboot, (couldn't get to the shut down screen, must be a touch wiz feature :thinking:, so had to take the back off and remove/reinsert battery):mad:.
Or got into setting, clear data, which in turn re-booted Touchwiz from scratch, meaning I had to set up my screens/widgets all again...most annoying.

Anyhow after a few problems, hair pulling moments I manage to update to firmware LG8. All seemed fine, touchwiz alot better.

Then the other day I get a notification on my phone for an update. I check it out (only very small update about 0.17mb), which states stability bug fix. Great I thought, so proceeded in the update.

Now I'm back to square one. Touch wiz crashes all the time, as does Google maps, the moby is far less stable then it was before.

Anyone else with Touchwiz issues?
Try a factory reset, you sometimes get issues after a flash but it is rare.

If that doesn't solve it you could try flashing back to LG8 using odin but I don't see what difference that would make as it was a only a minor update anyway.

If you keep getting issues there could be a fault. :(
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