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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2011
I decided to delete the preinstalled swype in Order to upgrade to the new beta. Everything installed fine , but i wanna go back to the stock swype that came with the phone . But when i restore it with titanium backup , (made a backup) the swype process keeps force closing :-( . I had to delete this lib file from system/lib directory in order to upgrade to the beta , can someone upload it for me..? Why does it force close?
If Swype cam preinstalled on your phone, the only way to recover it is to find and flash a stock rom for your model. Swype is very specific about not installing the beta version on phones that come with it stock.

A side note, Swpe has been acquired by a company called Nuance and has temporarily taken down the beta site. If you don't have Swype now, you won't be able to get it for a while, I'm afraid.
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I provided a link for the missing file needed to get your stock swype working. They deleted my post saying its warez. Due to this I will not be posting any future work on this website cause according to them it would be warez.

I responded to the pm n hopefully the matter gets cleared up.

I saw your post earlier, and I know you were trying to help the OP, which is very kind. I know my name is in gold, but that just means I have a paid membership, I am subject to the same TOS as any other user in blue.

As you know, several file sharing sites are currently offline because of piracy claims. I imagine that your post was removed as it contained a link a download site for swype. I suspect that the mod's are protecting this helpful forum from that same fate. While there are several links to file downloads on the site, they are either by the devs or open source compilations.

The mod's and guides on this site do an excellent job of keeping things legit. I bounce around several areas of the forum trying to help as you have tried to help here, and I can tell you that my understanding regarding swype is this. The site owner, the admin, or the mods have been somehow informed by the swype app's legal team that thewy do not want links to downloads floating around. So they are protecting that devs IP and this site from a shutdown.
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I'm being told I can provide swype in my rom but I can't give the op the oem file that came with his phone. There telling me he needs to flash a rom package in order to get his swype to work. In my eyes iTs bull shit. The lib ain't modidyied n will only work on the admire. whats the difference if its stand alone or in a rom package
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I'm being told I can provide swype in my rom but I can't give the op the oem file that came with his phone. There telling me he needs to flash a rom package in order to get his swype to work. In my eyes iTs bull shit. The lib ain't modidyied n will only work on the admire. whats the difference if its stand alone or in a rom package

If you haven't read my post previous the yours, please do. I'm sure your willingness to help is appreciated. It is not BS on the mod's part. My understanding is that linking to swype downloads is against the developers wishes. Including it in a ROM for a phone that had it preloaded is OK as the user of the phone is licensed to use it. Linking to a download of the binaries or apk however, open it up to piracy.
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If you haven't read my post previous the yours, please do. I'm sure your willingness to help is appreciated. It is not BS on the mod's part. My understanding is that linking to swype downloads is against the developers wishes. Including it in a ROM for a phone that had it preloaded is OK as the user of the phone is licensed to use it. Linking to a download of the binaries or apk however, open it up to piracy.

Anyone can download the rom n get the same files if they wanted to.
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